CDW coverage helps by reducing the full excess amount by 50%. Excess amount varies from AED 3,000 to AED 15,000 depending upon the car type. The vehicles are fully insured against any damage. In the event of any accident and if it is hirer's fault, with CDW purchased the driver's liability will be 50% of the excess amount i.e. instead of AED 15000, you pay AED 7500. Also, it will cover for any minor scratch. Incase it is not the hirer's mistake, he does not pay anything provided he has a police report. We do not offer Super CDW where the renter's liability is zero.
CDW will not cover if:
> Police report says “hit & run case” means car hit by someone while being parked.
> Car vandalised
> Tyre,wheel or windshield damaged

CDW helps in paying lower deductible amount, also covers a minor scratch on the body done by you or someone else.